
2018年11月26日 星期一

吳卓林:證婚片曝光!卓林孖太太宣誓感動落淚 __,

卓林與太太Andi的證婚片曝光!吳綺莉19歲嘅女兒吳卓林宣布與31歲嘅網紅女友Andi已於11月8日喺加國結婚,今早Andi喺IG晒出兩人喺疑似律師見 ...


吳綺莉19歲嘅女兒吳卓林宣布與31歲嘅網紅女友Andi已於11月8日喺加國結婚,今早Andi喺IG晒出兩人喺疑似律師見證下結婚嘅片,片中,卓林着上全白衞衣加長褲,而Andi就着上白色衞衣同戴上頭紗,打扮十分簡約,兩人手拖手相視而笑,仲感動落淚,隨後交換戒指。Andi表示卓林令她所有的負面情緒都消失,結婚的一天是「Happiest day of my life(我生命中最快樂的一天)」。

Andi發文:「♡ Back to Hong Kong as Wife & Wife ♡ Love has opened our eyes, opened our minds, and our hearts can feel whole. With this love, comes unbelievable strength and confidence to ignore our own pain, shut down our ego, and know exactly who we are and what we want. We will power on with positivity so that other voices who are silenced can finally embrace their inner truths.

@ettazen has given me the gift of being my true self and it's so hard to explain the change I feel. I'm no longer scared, I no longer have to find coping mechanisms to get through an hour of the day. My whole life I thought I was toxic, she made me realize I was surrounded by negativity. Now that its gone, this new feeling has taken over and I now know I deserve just as much as the world has to offer. And guess what?WE ALL DO! ♡

THE NEW GENERATION DESERVES MORE!Feel the love we have to share, we can all get there. ♡♡♡ Happiest day of my life ♡♡♡



卓林讓我更了解自己,這變化很難解釋。我不再害怕,我不再需要找到應對機制來過每一天、每小時。我一直都以為自己一生都是有毒的,但她讓我意識到自己被消極情緒所包圍。現在它消失了,這新的感覺已經接管了,我現在知道我應該是與這世界對等的。我們都是! ♡

新一代應得到更多!感受我們分享的愛,大家也能被愛。 ♡♡♡我生命中最快樂的一天♡♡♡」





來源 source: http://hk.on.cc
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