今日(1/3),她在IG貼出於日落前拍攝的全家幅寫上:「Our little family tradition, a photo at sunset in this spot. This platform on the infinity pool has seen our family grow over the years and holds a special place in our hearts. The numerous sunsets we have witnessed here are deeply ingrained in our memories and will always play a part in our story. Fun fact: Andrew proposed to me at this exact spot in 2016(我們家的小傳統,日落時在這個地方拍照。這個無邊際泳池上的平台,見證了我們家庭這些年來的成長,在我們心中佔有特別的位置。這裏看到的無數日落,深深印在我們的記憶裏,永遠扮演着重要角色,Andrew於2016年就在這向我求婚)」。Crystal分享數年來在同一地方拍下的照片,由兩口子變成一家四口,亦見證着女兒日漸長大。網民高呼甜蜜溫馨外,亦大讚Crystal保養得宜:「咁多年都係咁Fit!」

李雪瑩2歲細女係疫情BB 搞生日派對見人多皺眉頭唔識笑

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