2015-03-17 09:30:00
齊昕先公開罵其「父母」目前呢分鐘去世最合適,留言道:「I honestly wouldn't give a single fxxk if my parents died right now right this minute.」
齊昕又指情願「瞓街」及每日食杯麵都比日常生活好,認為目前冇出路,齊昕指自己離開家,日後都唔會出席其「母親」葬禮,寫道:「I'd rather be living on benefits sleeping on a coach eating cup noodles everyday than living the life I'm living right now. There really is no way out. It's BS when people say there's always a way out. I'm leaving home. I won't even be at my mother's funeral.」
齊昕於fb更形容其「母親」推佢埋牆、摑佢,疑叫齊昕「死蠢X,週街被人X,同人上床呀嘛,去做X呀繼續」,齊昕聲稱被對方踢佢、打佢脊椎,更「地毯式」搜查齊昕間房間,表示「該女人」有問題,鼓勵對方去看心理醫生或心理學家,先令佢決家離開家,直到永遠,再唔再返去,留言詳情如下:「My mother literally just pushed me up against a wall slapped me and called me a 死蠢X,週街被人X,同人上床呀嘛,去做X呀繼續…kicked me- I fell, hit my spine against corner of study table. Lovely. Proceeded to threaten to call the cops on me, carpet-searched my room, screaming like the deranged woman she is. And they say there's always a way out. There isn't. There really isn't.TRUST ME- What you see on the outside- in public- is not what you see behind closed doors. This woman has issues and I have tried to help her- encouraging her to go see a therapist/ psychologist.. Now I just don't bother. From this day onwards, I'm leaving home forever. Never coming back.」
鍾意就快D Share啦!