片中Lisa與另一名女子jen打拳擊比賽,二人互不相讓,Lisa更被打至流鼻血,最後評判說Lisa勝出比賽,雖然被打至流鼻血但也值得。Lisa更開心的寫下:「Wow, our first fight is completed. I won by the decision of the judges, but it was a really close fight ❤️ I am so so proud of jen and I. We put out heart and soul into training these past few months, and tonight, we came to fight.」(我們的第一場比賽完成了,評判決定我勝出比賽,這是一場非常近距離的比賽,我為jen和我感到驕傲!過去幾個月,我們把心和靈魂投入訓練,今晚,我們來比賽。)

本文作轉載及備份之用 來源 source: http://www.hk01.com
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