
2020年10月5日 星期一

何雁詩:何雁詩再甫過大禮相 意猶未盡興奮啜爆鄭俊弘 #何雁詩 #鄭俊弘

結婚呢啲開心嘢梗係要講多幾次啦~歌手何雁詩同鄭俊弘尋日到女家過大禮,何雁詩仲搵埋好姊妹陳瀅、蔡思貝、賴慰玲等一齊幫手,尋日啲大合照同家中布置都已經曝過 ...



佢仲自嘲畀老竇好順利咁「賣」咗佢畀鄭俊弘,又係咁話全日都好多歡樂同掌聲:「So happy to follow the Chinese traditions of marriage! A day full of joy, laughter and clapping haha💕thank you for all the family and friends who shared this special day with us❤️❤️❤️ so happy to say that my dad has successfully sold me to my future hubby 😂😂😂 all jokes aside, thank you for everyone’s blessings! Have a safe and wonderful day🥰」

而鄭俊弘亦夾好時間,緊貼何雁詩出甫,自爆準備咗真雞、豬同魚去過大禮,一聽就知落足本:「過大禮!A traditional ceremony before the official marriage. They used real chickens, pigs and fish back in the old days. A very exciting experience. Thanks for all my friends and family who came out! Love u all! Especially @honganc 😘😘」

來源 source: http://hk.on.cc
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