【車牌嚟㗎?】梁齊昕問大家:is D7689 a carplate number?
2015-03-16 12:11:00
梁齊昕今早忽然喺facebook留言:「It's as though I suddenly opened up my eyes to this new world where people can be SO shamelessly manipulative and deceiving. I will not have such malicious and DESPICABLE people in my life.(就好像我睇到呢個新的世界裡,人們可以如此無恥地操縱和欺騙。我不會有這樣的惡意和卑鄙的人在我的生活。)」雖然未知齊昕口中嘅「惡意和卑鄙的人」嘅人係邊個?
其後,齊昕又再喺fb留言問:「is D7689 a carplate number?(7689是否一個車牌)」
有網民留言「D7689 = Well done!CY」、「Bingo! You are so smart」,又有網民留言:「你自訂呢個做車牌。」更有人回覆「不妨問下令尊,佢應該清楚」、「我明白身為特首個女好大壓力,加油」。
鍾意就快D Share啦!