
2022年4月20日 星期三

金宵大廈2|黃婉華首回應塗黑演菲傭涉歧視指控:絕非有意不尊重 #金宵大廈2 #黃婉華

無綫熱播劇《金宵大廈2》早前播出的單元《姐姐》入面,飾演家傭姐姐LuLu的演員黃婉華刻意塗黑自己扮菲律賓外傭,豈料卻因此而被指有歧視之嫌,事件引起廣泛 ...



「I have taken some time over the past few days to process my emotions, reflect, speak to members of the community and listen to the many voices that have reached out to me.

I sincerely apologise to all who have been negatively affected in any way by the 7th chapter "Jei Jei" of the Barrack O'Karma 1968 drama series, and my role in it. I have learned through this incident that professionally trying my best to analyse, interpret and act a given role to fulfil the storyline, is only part of the job.

I genuinely have no intention to disrespect or racially discriminate any ethnic group, please forgive me for getting it wrong. It has been a challenging experience to be at the centre of a lesson that art reflects deeply entrenched social attitudes. Open sharing, if handled well, can surely only be good in raising awareness of issues that need to be discussed. I am truly sorry that my insensitivities have offended and hurt. I am committed more than ever to using my acting for the good of the community.」











































本文作轉載及備份之用 來源 source: http://www.hk01.com
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