鍾麗淇寫道:「愛你愛你愛你We love YOU!!!!!!!! Happy 12 Birthday my Bella!! #12alreadyyyy 」,佘詩曼、陳凱琳、周家怡、陳敏之、向海嵐等均有送上祝福。
鍾麗淇回覆《香港01》透露Isabella現在仍未能自己平衡,需靠坐行支架走路,但一家人仍抱有希望,她以短訊回覆:「 She still needs support walking as she still can’t balance yet by herself. But hopeful as each day passes🥰🥰. 」她透露囡囡現在重約25kg(約55磅)問到經常要攬實女兒周去會否感到吃力?她說:「Sometimes it is hard and tiring, emotionally and physical… but just taking it day by day. I just need to remind myself to really charge up my battery up when we have good days like these to get through the challenging ones♥️.(有時它在情感上和身體上都是艱難而累人的……但只是一天一天地接受它。我只需要提醒自己,當我們有這樣美好的日子來度過充滿挑戰的日子時,能真正為我的電池充電♥️)」。