
2023年2月14日 星期二

黃心穎親填英文歌詞自嘲八婆 想獲注目:Just like me please #黃心穎

「安心事件」主角黃心穎神隱近4年,日前突然於社交網站上載新歌《CrownMe》MV預告,轉型做歌手復出,獲不少網友大讚勇氣可嘉。新歌和MV於今日情人節 ...

「安心事件」主角黃心穎神隱近4年,日前突然於社交網站上載新歌《Crown Me》MV預告,轉型做歌手復出,獲不少網友大讚勇氣可嘉。









全首歌均是英文歌詞,歌詞中表達叫大家盡情稱呼她為八婆、頑皮、Baby、Cheap等等,她十分樂意接受。其中一句「I've got my personality revised. Why is it still not enough for you and I?」意指她已修改了人格,為何對你我來說仍然不夠,似乎憑歌寄意,抒發個人心聲。

點擊睇黃心穎《Crown Me》歌詞:

「Crown me naughty

Crown me bitch

Crown me beauty

Just crown me please

My teeth is pearly

My brows are trimmed

My face is pointy

My waist is cinched

*Come and give me a score

I'm ready for you to make me belong

I've got the perfect smile 3 inches wide

I've got the desired 33-23-35

I've got my personality revised

Why is it still not enough for you and I*

Crown me flashy

Crown me cheap

Crown me baby

Just crown me please

I want your comments

I want your views

I want the attention

Just like me please


My virtual self has her virtual words

And her virtual vision of unconditional love

This very virtual world got me my virtual belief

That the best part of me is my virtual worth」

本文作轉載及備份之用 來源 source: http://www.hk01.com
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