眨眼間,兩人的大仔Aiden今年已經10歲,陳茵媺今日(5日)在IG分享了一家人為仔仔慶生的溫馨合照,並留言寫道:「To my first born. You gave me all my "first" as a mama. Thank you for being the warmth of the house and the warmth of my heart ❤️. You've brought us so much joy ✨️for the past 10 years since you arrived into our lives. I will love you and cherish you until the end of time. Happy 10th Birthday to the brilliant, kind and playful Aiden. #yourthebest
Daddy @moses_chan_ thank goodness was able to come back for a few hours for a party over the weekend then it was just us on his actual d-day. But it was still lovely! 💕」指大仔給了她作為媽媽的無數個「第一次」,感謝仔仔在過去10年來帶來的無限溫暖與歡樂,大讚仔仔聰明又善良。她又感恩老公陳豪這個周末能返港數小時,來參加這個生日Party。陳豪原本正在深圳趕拍劇,特地請假幾小時陪家人。網民都紛紛留言為Aiden送上生日祝福,並讚他愈大愈靚仔。有網民甚至指他靚仔過爸爸陳豪。
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