鍾麗淇喺ig報喜,細女喺上周三已經出咗世喇! | next 1/1 pre |
鍾麗淇話大女(左)係咁錫妹妹,好可愛呀! | next 1/1 pre |
39歲嘅鍾麗淇(Margaret)喺2010年結婚之後,喺2011年誕吓大女Isabella,今年再宣布佗B,今日佢就喺instagram報喜,細女已經喺11月11號出咗世喇,重7.5磅,已經改名叫Michela Nardone。
佢甫咗張大女同細女嘅合照出嚟,留言話:「So happy to announce the arrival of Michela Nardone! Born on Nov 11 at 7.5 pounds.... we're all home, healthy and super happy ! It really warms my heart how Isabella looks so lovingly towards her little sister and gives her sweet lil kisses ️️️. Looking forward to the days ahead....」佢形容自己超開心,依家同囡囡已經返咗屋企,大家都健康,佢仲話大女係好錫妹妹,真係好有愛呀!
鍾意就快D Share啦!