謝謝,謝謝。想對所有像我這樣、今晚又正觀看(頒獎禮)的小男孩、小女孩說,這是希望與可能性的燈塔。這是證明…… 要有大志,然後夢想真的會成真。女士們,不要讓任何人告訴你已過了你的巔峰時期。永不放棄。
還有我在香港的大家庭(extended family),我的事業在那裏開始,謝謝你們讓我站在你們的肩膀上,幫了我一把,所以我今天能在這裏。

Thank you, thank you. For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibilities. This is proof that ... dream big, and dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime. Never give up.
I wouldn’t be standing here tonight without the Daniels, without A24, without my amazing cast and crew. Without everyone who was involved with ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once.’
I have to dedicate this to my mom, all the moms in the world, because they are really the superheroes and without them, none of us would be here tonight. She’s 84 and I’m taking this home to her. She’s watching right now in Malaysia, KL, with my family and friends. I love you guys, I’m bringing this home to you.
And also to my extended family in Hong Kong, where I started my career. Thank you for letting me stand on your shoulders, giving me a leg up so that I can be here today. And to my godchildren, to my sisters, all of them. To my brothers, oh God, to my family. Thank you, thank you!
Thank you to the Academy. This is history in the making. Thank you!

本文作轉載及備份之用 來源 source: http://www.hk01.com
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