早前謝嘉怡悲痛透露兩隻愛犬被蓄意毒死,飽受失眠困擾,今謝嘉怡發文透露,過去幾年曾考慮退出娛樂圈,拍完這套劇後令她內心感到鼓舞,迫不及待想接拍下一套劇,「I was beginning to doubting my choices over the past few years. Wondering If I really am cut out for the entertainment world. But after shooting this it really sparked a love that I can’t describe. I had an incredible amount of fun shooting this, and honestly cannot wait for the next one」
本文作轉載及備份之用 來源 source: http://www.hk01.com
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