昨日(1/9),Margaret就在Instagram上載一篇長文,文章的開首次她寫道:「有時我哋嘅家庭可能同一般家庭嘅經歷唔同。(Sometimes our family dynamic may be a bit different from what a typical family may experience. )」原因是Isabella的罕見病情導致她不能與妹妹活動,而為了控制病情Margaret一家人經常要看醫生和治療師,令到Michela在學識26個英文字母前,已經學會講姐姐的病名「Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome」。
Margaret大讚細女是位有韌性的人,比同齡人更有同情心和聰明,又懂得將心比心,她憶述:「當你唔理解Isabella嘅感覺個陣,你就會去問我。而有啲時候,我亦會見到你靜下來,專心觀察、傾聽、感受你嘅家姐。(You would easily ask me what Isabella is doing, gesturing and how is she feeling when you don’t understand at times. And I see those moments when you’re still, look attentively, listen and just feel your sister.)」Michela的舉動令媽媽感動表示:「您所做的事情已經超過媽媽和爸爸嘅期望(you are already more then mama and papa can wish for)。」