
2017年6月4日 星期日

卓林晒日出相宣布回歸 __,卓林,吳綺莉,吳卓林,

睇嚟卓林已經收拾好心情喇!吳卓林日前終於返屋企同媽媽吳綺莉團聚,仲一齊撐枱腳食飯,非常溫韾。今日卓林就喺社交網用英文話經過漫長嘅75日,自己終於重新企 ...


吳卓林日前終於返屋企同媽媽吳綺莉團聚,仲一齊撐枱腳食飯,非常溫韾。今日卓林就喺社交網用英文話經過漫長嘅75日,自己終於重新企返起身,佢仲好幽默咁以「A BIXXH IS BACK」嚟表示自己重新回歸!

文中卓林用最長同最艱難嚟形容過去嘅三個月,仲話自從自己消失之後,當中發生太多故事。文末佢就話自己重新回歸要追番兩個月未聽嘅音樂同新事物。佢話:「Well... Been too long 75 days but I've finally risen from the dead- it's been the longest hardest 3 months and only a few will know what really happened- other will only know what they've been told - It no longer matters to me what stories been told since I've disappeared. Too much has happened too much to convey... all I can say is A BIXXH IS BACK and ready to cause more trouble (jk) lmao now time to listen to two months worth of missed music and catch up on dem fresh memes.」隔咗一陣,卓林又上載咗自己嘅相,留言話:「Has risen」,睇嚟心情不俗。


來源 source: http://hk.on.cc
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