Hello, Hong Kong Police. We are Anonymous.
Over the years, we have been watching you. Your suppression of dissent; your criminal of violence; your violation of human rights, all of these things have caught our eye.
Today, your use of firearms and biological weapons has clearly violated the "Hague Convention" and the "Geneva Convention".
Anonymous has therefore decided that your organization should be rectify.
For the good of HK citizen; for the good of mankind; and for our own enjoyment, we shall proceed to systematically make public a part of your personal information.
If you continue the criminal, finally, we will make known to public whole of your organization list.
You will not prevail forever against the angry masses of the body politic. Your choice of methods, and your hypocrisy have sounded its death knell.
You have nowhere to hide because we are everywhere.
Knowledge is free.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
民陣G20「Free Hong Kong」集會
【登記做選民 7月2日截止】
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7月4日起 《蘋果動新聞》只限升級壹會員閱覽
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鍾意就快D Share啦!