從錄音中聽到,盛傳將接任校委會主席的行政會議成員李國章在會上稱陳文敏出任法律學院院長要由學院推選,所以對方要做院長就要先做「一個好人」(Nice guy)。他申報堂弟李國能有份推薦陳文敏做院長,「而我堂弟認為他是一個非常非常好的人」(And my cousin has already said he’s a very very nice guy.)他言畢在場人士一同哄笑。
李國章自稱無受到來自中聯辦及政府的壓力,又指自己和大多數香港人都不看《文匯報》、《大公報》等左派報紙,認為左報寫得愈多只會愈惹人反感,但他質疑有政黨有組織地支持陳文敏做副校長,反問:「是否想如內地大學一樣,把陳文敏視作『黨委書記』安插在港大?(Do they want a 黨委書記 at Hong Kong U?Is he a 黨委書記,is he put in here as a 黨委書記?)他直指所有事情都令他對陳文敏「感到非常不舒服」(all these things made me feel very uncomfortable and very uneasy with this candidate.)
李國章又質疑陳文敏無法學博士學位,因其他推薦人都有相關學位,認為陳文敏無學位不是因為無嘗試,就是因為太忙。(either he hasn’t tried or he is too busy or he doesn't)他又反駁外界認為法律界不需要有博士學位的講法,認為有博士學位是原有要求,又質疑陳文敏日後若要負責教授晉升,無博士學位將有礙他作出誠實、獨立的客觀意見。(can someone be in charge of promotion of another person who actually has not gone through the same rigours as that other person and give an honest independent objective view?And I would put my question here is that, I do have my doubt about this.)
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