就係Lupo呢個complain,令到鄧紫棋同港媒嘅關係再度僵化。 | next 1/1 pre |
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Lupo發表嘅呢個抨擊,會唔會係未搞清楚咩先係傳媒嘅報道呢? | next 1/1 pre |
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張丹同Lupo都覺得香港樂壇對廣東歌過份重視,扼殺咗G.E.M.喺香港嘅發展。 | next 1/1 pre |
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但佢哋都講過,G.E.M.覺得自己嘅根係喺中國。 | next 1/1 pre |
不過阿G.E.M.似乎唔多在乎,繼續我行我素行屬於佢自己嘅音樂路。呢日,有外國傳媒大字標題再次報道阿G.E.M.呢位中國版「Taylor Swift」,話佢準備進軍美國,瞄準當地繼續行佢嘅音樂路。
呢篇報道雖然成篇都係G.E.M.嘅豐功偉績,但原來都有唔少火藥味,無論係佢嘅經理人張丹同埋佢嘅監製Lupo Groinig。佢哋不約而同覺得,香港樂壇唔肯播廣東歌以外嘅歌,而因為G.E.M.唱嘅得三成係廣東歌,所以扼殺咗G.E.M.喺香港嘅發展。(原文:「Hong Kong media outlets will only promote "Cantopop," songs sung in Cantonese. G.E.M., though, recorded only 30 percent of her songs in the popular language. She mostly sang in Mandarin. G.E.M. remembers writing her first big song in Mainland China, "Bubble," four years ago the song took over the Chinese market in 2014.」)
另外,Lupo仲對於香港傳媒好唔滿意,覺得佢哋好MESSY(污穢),除咗唔滿意不斷圍繞住G.E.M.嘅感情生活散播謠言之外,仲係咁批評G.E.M.嘅衣着又Cheap又性感,成個𡃁模咁。不過翻查資料,其實批評G.E.M.着衫Cheap嘅報道真係少之又少,反而話佢肥同腳粗嘅報道就比較多。(原文:「Most Chinese press surrounding G.E.M., Groinig complains, revolves around tabloids starting rumors about her dating life and criticizing her outfits for looking slutty.」)
不過其實篇報道入面,都真係有好多阿G.E.M.嘅威水史,例如張丹提到,佢嘅巡迴演唱會,已為佢帶嚟超過12.4億港元嘅收入;另外,文中亦有提到,G.E.M.嘅最大心願,其實係將中國嘅歌曲融合西方樂曲嘅優點後,再將之發揚光大。(原文:「I listen to a lot of Western music so this is one of the biggest influences in my music, but at the same time I have a root in Chinese," G.E.M. tells me. "I think to make my music unique is to actually combine the two.」)
報道原文: http://goo.gl/fEXhJg
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